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So you’re thinking of becoming a landscape consultant… 

18 May 2021

Learn more about what landscape planning is, why it’s a cracking career choice and how Tyler Grange can help you get your wellies in the field … so to speak!  

Perhaps you studied Landscape Architecture at university. Or maybe you didn’t but someone or something has piqued your interest.

Either way, you’ve come to the right place.

What is landscape planning? 

Landscape planners have a whole heap of fun things to do around the planning and design of new places. Often you’re the first people to look at a site and can start to really shape the world where people live and work. 

Some days you’ll be appraising new sites, understanding what makes a place special and how you can make it better. You’ll also get a real chance to change and influence the places people live.  

Plus, you’ll be working closely with ecologists, arborists and other specialists including lawyers to ensure that development designs get approval from key stakeholders. 

Other days you’ll be creating the plans – using graphic design and GIS software to tell the story of the area, highlight what’s special and then turn that into designs for new places.

No day is the same at Tyler Grange. And there's more...

Landscape consultancy also involves: 

  • Getting out and about to survey sites and take photos 
  • Doing research to understand what makes a place special 
  • Working with other professionals to find design solutions 
  • Presenting proposals and telling the story  
  • Meeting clients 
  • Designing new spaces and making planting plans 
  • Managing your own time and being part of a professional team 

Now you know what the job entails, let’s talk about why you might love it as a career. 

We want to see talented people fulfil their passions and be happy!

Why choose a career in landscape planning? 

“Every day is completely different,” says Louis Spencer, Landscape Consultant at our Cotswolds office. That’s what he loves most about his job – the variety. “You never get bored,” he continues. “From project management to designing and strategic planning, every day feels fresh and new.” 

For Kate Peel, our Manchester-based Graduate Landscape Consultant, it’s the creative freedom she finds most rewarding. “I studied Fine Art at University but wanted to be a part of something more inclusive and impactful. 

“I was drawn to landscape design because it stretched the conceptual skills that I’d built up from my studies. And I loved the way it forces you to think outside of the box because you’re always looking for creative solutions to problems,” continues Kate.  

Both consultants also highlighted how landscape planners are becoming more respected in recent years due to their impact on environmental factors. “With the huge focus on climate change, landscape planners are increasingly valued for their input and are often placed at the forefront of design,” explains Louis.  

So, if you enjoy…

Variety in your work

Being part of a great team

Stretching your creative muscles  

Being respected as a professional 

Having an impact on the environment 

Making real changes to the world around you 

… you’ll likely find landscape planning incredibly rewarding. But how do you break into the field?

Start your career with Tyler Grange 

Over the past eleven years, we’ve taken dozens of graduates under our wing, offering them training and support so they can pursue their dream careers in landscape, ecology or arboriculture.  

We do this because we want to see talented people fulfil their passions and be happy. And being a part of their journey is the ultimate reward. It’s as simple as that. 

But what exactly is it like starting your career with Tyler Grange? Let’s hear from those who know best.  

The beginning 

“You’re given lots of time to settle in,” says Kate Peel who recently joined us as a graduate landscape consultant. “You usually start on one or two jobs a week so you can get used to the software and doing simple graphics.” 

She continues, “And if you’re ever struggling, there’s zero shame in asking for help. No matter how busy people are, there will always be someone there to check in and talk through any concerns you may have.”  

Louis Spencer also highlights how you’re encouraged to meet lots of people and visit different sites, “I was given fun goals in my first few weeks. This led me to go on-site with ecologists, help with a tree survey and be in a design team meeting with directors. It was a great way to get to know the wider team while trying different things.” 

The Culture

“There’s a huge emphasis on culture,” says Kate. “During my interview, most of the questions were around my interests, passions and goals. They wanted to know whether I’d fit into their community and how they could help me progress. It was refreshing.”  

“Expect presents through the post,” Kate continues. “So far I’ve received beer, face masks and brownies! Also, expect lots of socials. A favourite of mine was a day-long session of making gingerbread houses. We also regularly have sessions on wellbeing and mental health.” 

While Louis explains how: “They give you loads of flexibility. You can easily move your hours around so you can spend more time with your family. As my partner is a midwife who often works nights, this was a massive perk for me.”  

The journey 

“I was encouraged to build my own path,” says Louis Spencer. “If there’s something you enjoy more than other aspects of the job, such as design work over project management, Tyler Grange will go above and beyond to ensure you can focus on your passions, even if that means moving you to another office.” 

Kate agrees, “There’s no pushing in an organised, preset way. They listen to what you want to do and will give you more of it because they value your unique skills. For example, I was recently asked to contribute to a new landscape and art website because of my passion for fine art.”  

But she also explains how someone is always there to train you up. “You just have to ask for help,” she says. “Your peers will always make time to go over things and do multiple sessions if needed. You’re also invited to shadow consultants as they work on the projects you’re interested in.” 

So there you have it!

Now you know what a job in landscape consultancy entails. You also know what it’s like to work as a graduate for Tyler Grange.  

If you’re interested in this career path and think you’d be a great fit with us, we want to hear from you. Check our careers page for current vacancies and send your application to us.

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