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Case study: One Horton Heath, Eastleigh

24 Oct 2023

Tyler Grange has been working to support Eastleigh Borough Council’s (EBC) outline planning application for a landmark major mixed-use development known as One Horton Heath.

The masterplan includes for 2,500 new homes on the 325-acre estate of predominantly agricultural land. 

We worked closely with EBC’s Tree Officer to obtain a positive consultation response for Arboriculture.

The brief

EBC required the arboricultural planning material to support an outline planning application for the wider masterplan of the One Horton Heath development. The project was to be Green Infrastructure led; with the client recognising, from the outset, the importance of retaining existing green features in ensuring a successful delivery.


The team

Our Arboricultural Associate, Jamie Pratt, was the Project Manager. He was supported by:

  • Rob Anderson, Senior Arboricultural Consultant
  • Milanie Bett, Arboricultural Coordinator

The client team was led by Ross Blakemore,  Technical Manager – Horton Heath of Eastleigh Borough Council. The project team also included Deacon Design (Landscape), Savills (Planning), Ridge (Engineering), Clague Architects (Masterplanning) and Johns Associates (Ecology).

The challenge

The site was predominantly agricultural land; fields bound by hedgerows, groups of trees and woodland. The key constraint on this site was the proximity of ancient woodland to one of the site’s boundaries which required buffer zones in accordance with government standing advice.

There were at least ten veteran trees across the site which would require incorporation into the masterplan to avoid development encroaching into their own, extended buffer zones.

There was a large, linear section of woodland bisecting the site which required us to establish appropriate points to provide access through the woodland; assessing the woodland in detail to identify lower quality trees which could be removed to facilitate access whilst putting protection measures in place to retain higher value trees.

Several TPOs were in place along the site boundary, these required due consideration.

The approach

The project was subject to Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) regulations. Once we had undertaken a baseline assessment of the site and had an understanding of the impacts of the proposed development, through liaising with the LPA we were able to determine that there would be no significant impact to trees and therefore arboriculture should not be included as part of the scope of the EIA.

Adapting the brief

The initial brief from the client had included more arboricultural input than was required for an Outline Planning application; we advised the client accordingly in order to reduce the scope of the brief.

After surveys had taken place, and through positive dialogue with the local planning authority (LPA), we determined that a Preliminary Arboricultural Impact Assessment report would be required; this was based on the parameter plans for the development and highlighted trees that could be removed and those which should be retained; the report was informed by the production of a Tree Constraints Plan (TCP).

Where tree loss was to occur, we provided commentary on replacement tree planting and how the tree loss would be compensated for in order to obtain a positive response from the LPA’s Tree Officers.

The results

Our inputs were provided ahead of the deadline and within the agreed budget, our involvement provided:

  • a full BS:5837 Tree Survey of the entire site
  • inputs into the masterplanning process; a series of workshops and regular design team meetings
  • a ‘Scoping Opinion’ which removed the requirement for us to produce a ES Chapter for Arboriculture, saving the client time and money.
  • a Preliminary Arboricultural Impact Assessment
  • tree retention and removal plans

The client has said of Tyler Grange:

Jamie and the team at Tyler Grange have repeatedly provided a diligent and exemplary service on the outline planning application and all subsequent detailed planning applications across the One Horton Heath development.  Their approach was to ensure the council achieved compliance but adopted a level of pragmatism that allowed flexibility to be built in to ensure development aims and objectives are continually met.  Tyler Grange have up to now (November 2023) completed arboriculture consultancy works on the councils outline planning application, and the first four detailed residential and infrastructure planning applications.



Moving forwards

We are continuing to support the client as the project progresses; with outline consent for the masterplan covering the entire 325 acre site currently being sought.

We’re supporting the detailed design elements and Reserved Matters applications; producing technical inputs, reports and assessments required for the primary and secondary infrastructure delivery, with construction of a major spine road having commenced.

In addition to feeding in to four separate Green Infrastructure applications for the site, we’re working with the appointed contractor to supervise the implementation of tree protection measures, and liaising with the Tree Officer to ensure compliance with planning conditions.

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