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Case study: Meon Vale, Warwickshire

24 Oct 2023

Tyler Grange have been acting on behalf of St Modwen since 2010 with respect to ecology issues and the ongoing re-development of the former MOD site at Meon Vale, Warwickshire. The site is approximately 110 ha in size.

The brief

Tyler Grange were required to XXX

The team

The project was lead by Technical Director, Julian Arthur. He was supported by;

  • XXXX
  • XXXX
  • XXX

The client team was led by XXX at St Modwen. We worked alongside XXX, XXX ,XXX and XXX.

The challenge

Surveys confirmed the site supports a county important population of water vole, bat roosts (notably lesser horseshoe bat, Bechstein’s and a maternity roost of brown long-eared and Natterer’s), great crested newts, reptiles, badgers and some rare invertebrates. It also supports some valuable grassland, woodland, ‘brownfield’ and wetland habitats.

The approach

Tyler Grange have been involved in every stage in the site’s development, as follows:  

  • Input into site promotion documents to support the site’s allocation for development;  
  • Detailed ecological impact assessments and chapters within several EIAs to inform planning applications;  
  • Ecological design to ensure important features are retained within green infrastructure, and opportunities to create new habitats to contribute to local biodiversity targets were taken (including creating a 10ha wetland where flood attenuation was required, and re-meandering a stream that was in culvert), to enable development was in conformity with planning policy. Included use of Warwickshire’s Biodiversity Impact Calculator to confirm impacts were more than mitigated;  

Adapting the brief

Agreement of strategies with the county ecologist, Environment Agency and Warwickshire Wildlife Trust (WWT) that ensured there were no objections on ecology grounds; and  

Post planning input into reserved matters applications, discharge of planning conditions and S106 obligations, and protected species licensing (three lesser horseshoe roosts, Bechstein’s, Natterer’s, badger).  

The results

Annie English of WWT was invited back to the site post construction and wrote this in their members’ magazine ‘Wild Warwickshire’ (Winter 2017) “WWT hopes that other developments take inspiration from this site and maximise the benefits of green infrastructure for people and wildlife.” 

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