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Tyler Grange’s hops and dreams

24 Jun 2024

Fellow beer aficionados, grab a pint and pull up a chair—unless you’re reading this at work, in which case, maybe settle for a cuppa…   

Harry Madeley’s here to update you what’s been brewing at TG since 2022. We’ve been collaborating with Chris at Burning Soul and we’re consciously working on more responsible brewing practices to enhance our line-up. 

Discover how brewing beer helps us create connections and craft memorable experiences with every pour.  

Brewing bold moves since 2022

Harry reflects on the pivotal moments and partnerships that have shaped TG brewing journey since 2022: 

“We’ve continued to work with Chris at Burning Soul after Phoenix. It’s been fantastic blending our visions, getting to know each other and really syncing with his expertise.” Harry continues, “There’s a magic in understanding what drives a brewer like Chris. It’s not just about sales; it’s a craft.” 

Harry also describes the landscape of small breweries and the pressures they face—from soaring ingredient costs to the shadow of industry giants. “Navigating through 2023 was tough for small breweries. With rising costs and tighter consumer budgets, they’ve had to be mindful about pricing. I told Chris last time we met, ‘Make sure you’re charging us properly. Have the unit costs gone up? Then we need to reflect that.'” 

Going wild with Bramble

Harry recounts the tale of our Bramble beer, launched in mid-2023. “We tried something a bit wild with Bramble. It’s made with blackberries picked from English hedgerows—really tart, not everyone’s cup of tea.” He adds, “We even started the Bramble Appreciation Society at TG. It’s a bit Marmite—you either love it or hate it.” 

Reflecting on their experimental brews, he concludes, “It’s all a learning curve. We’re trying to balance pushing the boundaries with what our team and clients will enjoy. It’s about finding that sweet spot between familiar and adventurous.” 

Introducing Easy Peeler

Harry shares the intriguing backstory of Easy Peeler, our newest beer and how it reflects TG’s brewing philosophy: 

“Chris mentioned this new batch he was experimenting with, using orange peel for flavouring. I got a taste, and it was spot on—not overpowering, but just enough citrus to know it’s there.” 

He continues, “Using orange peel struck me as a fantastic way to repurpose a waste product. Despite the carbon footprint associated with growing and transporting oranges, utilising the peel helps reduce potential waste.” 

Reflecting on a wider scale, Harry adds, “It’s a drop in the ocean but it’s our drop. We’re using what would otherwise be thrown away. I also recently came across a study conducted in Costa Rica. Thousands of tonnes of discarded orange peel revived barren land into lush greenery years later. It highlights the environmental potential of using what would otherwise be discarded.” 

“It makes us think about the impact of our ingredients beyond just flavour,” Harry continues. “There are so many possibilities with natural by-products like orange peel, and it’s exciting to think about what other roles they could play in a sustainable future.” 

Our ever-evolving brews

Our brewing approach keeps evolving, mixing Chris’s know-how, client feedback and a dash of daring to try out unique beers. We embrace the unconventional because often, it’s the unexpected flavours that really wow our clients.  

Harry also highlights the deeper intentions behind each batch. “We’re putting more thought into why we brew each particular beer. Is there a story behind it, or can we use a specific ingredient that not only tastes good but also raises awareness for a cause or ties back to our charity work?”  

Ideally, we’d love to make carbon-negative or carbon-neutral beers. But as Harry points out: “While larger breweries can afford advanced green technologies, smaller ones face challenges due to high costs. It’s a tough balance. We want to champion environmental goals, but we also need to support our local, smaller partners who might not have the means to implement these technologies at the same pace as larger breweries.” 

Why do we brew?

“Because it’s fun!” says Harry. “We could be doing anything, but we chose this because it’s enjoyable and it really stands out in our industry. Even our competitors have started brewing their own beers, which is fantastic. It’s a lot better than sending out brand USB sticks because, let’s face it, that’s pretty dull.” 

“Brewing has become something of a long term, side project for us, a nice break from our day-to-day work,” Harry continues. “We’re not professional brewers, and we don’t sell beer. It’s just something a bit crazy we do. Whether it’s at networking events or career fairs, mentioning our beer always starts great conversations—’Beer, what’s that about?’ It’s a great excuse to rock up to a client’s office with a six-pack, offering those moments of unexpected joy.” 

So yes, it’s fun! Going a little deeper, Harry shares what makes our brewing project special. “It’s not just about the beer,” he explains. “It’s about creating genuine, human connections beyond our work roles. We’re not just team members; we’re people trying to build brilliant places together. Sharing a beer is a great way to get to know one another and put the world to rights.” 

An invitation

Haven’t tried our latest batch of Easy Peelers yet? Curious? Just give us a shout. We’re expecting plenty, and it’s a great reason for us to swap screen time for some face time, bringing a bit of cheer straight to you. So, watch out—your next six-pack might just be on us! 

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