GHD Global Ltd, Qatar
Operations Lead for the SW Team. Team Lead for Bristol and support Exeter. Project Management of small, medium and large Ecology Projects, Client Management and Business Development. General support to the SW team in particular and Project Director Role for the Business.
My key values would be Caring and Honesty. I am driven by providing clients successful project delivery and winning work for the business including increasing billing targets. I also am driven by supporting other members of the team and providing them the guidance and stability they need.
I would love more time outside work to pursue interests but having two young children I definitely struggle to find time to pursue my own interests outside work. I do run in my free time when I can and have recently joined a book club to encourage myself to read more. I love Indie Rock Acoustic Music and loving Sonos Radio Unplugged channel at the moment. Films I like anything tbh and is always changing. I just watched the new Top Gun and loved it.