After A levels I studied Art & Design at college before pursuing Landscape Architecture at university… before deciding instead to pursue Architecture at a different university… before realising I didn’t want to become an Architect either! I then spent three years building swimming pools, all over the country before joining TG.
My role is split into three key themes.
My role touches on all aspects of the business!
I have been part of Tyler Grange for over ten years; helping to shape what it has become. I have supported Tyler Grange through thick and thin, and the company has done the same for me. Our stories are intertwined and we continue to learn from each other and grow together. I am passionate about the hard working, wonderful, creative people that make TG what it is.
I want them to have a positive, challenging and rewarding experience for as long as we’re the right fit for each other.
Listening to each other is everything.
My values closely align with the company’s and I’m increasingly driven to explore what ‘business as a force for good’ looks like, collaborating with the B Corp and purpose driven business communities in addition to supporting charities such as Farms For City Children.
I’m obsessed with food, cooking in particular and especially for a crowd. I’m at my happiest whilst cooking over fire, music playing and surrounded by friends and family. A keen sourdough baker and occasional teacher (with a single published recipe no less!).
I love to create things with my hands, building and gardening projects occupy my mind in the wee hours.
I’m a lucky husband to Jenna and father to Eva, my mischievous little sous chef – we live in The Cotswolds and were lucky enough to build our modest house in the town we grew up in.
One day I plan to convert a camper van and spend long summers having adventures. P.S. I love books, and buy them faster than I can read them! Always looking for recommendations…