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Our leaders are taking bold actions to expand our impact and influence

19 Mar 2024

If you’re standing still in business, you might as well be moving backwards. So, Simon and Jon are switching up their running lanes, with Julian staying put but focused on making things better. It’s our way of keeping things fresh and pushing ourselves while staying true to our values.

We’re stretching our wings (or legs in this analogy)—towards enhanced creativity and collaboration. Above all, we’re making work a place we all want to jog to every morning. Or fast-walk, if that’s your style.  

Let’s get to the good part – keep reading! 

Simon Ursell becomes Chair

After a 14-year stint as Managing Director at Tyler Grange, Simon Ursell is taking a leap into the role of Chair. “Helping TG grow has been an amazing journey. The three of us—Jon, Julian and I—have been in it together from the start. Reflecting on all those years has got me thinking … It’s time to do something new. So, I’m happy to announce that I’m becoming Chair.”

After working full time, Simon will be dialing down to two days a week at Tyler Grange. But there’ll be no kicking back on his out-of-office days; he’s planning to lend his expertise to other businesses. 

“All the mistakes we’ve made, all the challenges we’ve overcome – I want to share this wisdom to help businesses discover what they can achieve. But my heart’s still with TG, and I’ll stay deeply involved here.”

The Winning Team

Jon Berry takes on Managing Director

With Simon stepping up to Chair, Jon Berry is primed and ready to become Managing Director … with a little help from his friends. “The excitement’s real, and frankly, it’s the kick I’ve been looking for—to push myself and step out of my comfort zone. And it’s good to know, with Simon and Julian by my side, I’m not going it alone.”

His experience as Sales Director put him on this path, “Jumping into sales and marketing was new, it was exciting, and it really made us stand out. We’ve changed the way a lot of companies in our sector market themselves. It nudged me towards thinking bigger, looking at the whole picture of where Tyler Grange is headed.”

And now, as MD? “It’s a big leap, but I’m ready. Simon and Julian have always been there to encourage me, help me make tough calls and embrace change. I’ve also been supported externally by Rusty, Suzanne Brown, Luke Doherty and Martin Murphy, among others.

“Each of them has helped me in their own way, making me see my work more clearly—what’s going well, what’s not and how we can get better,” Jon continues. “This has all prepared me to take on the Managing Director role, reminding me it’s about collaboration. With such a strong support network, I feel prepared to navigate whatever comes next.”

Julian Arthur keeps growing as Technical Director

Julian Arthur is staying on as our Technical Director, driven by his deep enjoyment for the work we do, the quality services we deliver and the exceptional team that makes it all happen.

When asked about what fuels his drive, Julian said, “I’m all in for stretching our wings beyond TG, connecting with peers and tapping into the broader industry ecosystem. Whether it’s collaborating with like-minded businesses, engaging with professional institutes, or working closely with clients and regulators, I want us to share insights, learn and drive progress together. Staying in the loop and contributing to the larger conversation is key for me.”

Are there enough challenges to keep him on his toes? “Absolutely, loads of them,” Julian says. “The industry is fast-moving, and there’s always something new around the corner. I want to continue embracing those challenges, innovating and turning them into opportunities. That’s what keeps this role so exciting.”

A new chapter at Tyler Grange

We live by a simple rule: never stop improving. We’re excited about the fresh perspectives our team members are bringing to the table. It’s this blend of tried-and-tested experience with new, bold ideas that keeps us on our toes and constantly aiming higher. 

What really sets us apart, though, is how we stick together and lift each other up. We see everyone’s growth as a big part of our story here at Tyler Grange. Recognising what everyone brings to the table and supporting their dreams, no matter where they lead. This is how we do things, always moving forward together. 

Watch Simon, Jon and Julian discuss their new roles on our YouTube Channel. And don’t forget to subscribe!    

Got any questions about these changes? Feel free to email us or call 0121 828 4043. Let’s talk about what it means for all of us.

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