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Introducing Green and Blue infrastructure at Tyler Grange

17 Mar 2025

Green and Blue Infrastructure – a holistic approach  

Our Tribe is growing. We’ve added more skills and experience, enabling us to provide better services for our clients. Read on to find out more about new additions to our Tribe, and how we’re taking a holistic approach to sustainably developing both green and blue infrastructure benefitting both nature and people alike 

Lucy Jenkins, Green Infrastructure Director 

Recently, we warmly welcomed Lucy Jenkins to our Tribe, bringing heaps of experience and expertise in nature-led design, ecosystem services and community engagement.  Lucy also has considerable inter-disciplinary design experience in projects connecting people and nature across educational, parks and public spaces, and also residential and healthcare sectors.  

Not only this, she is also qualified in Biological Recording, and her particular skillset – across landscape, ecology and sustainability – is building better connections across our Tribes’ specialisms in ecology, biodiversity, arboriculture and landscape planning.  

It’s these interdisciplinary connections that enable us to deliver more joined-up, sustainable and successful results for our clients.  

Green and blue infrastructure expertise  

By incorporating Lucy’s approach to spatial design, we can place an important emphasis on nature as our primary resource in the planning, design and management of land. This means we provide a better level of service to our clients and align with our focus on creating sustainable and inviting public spaces that boost community wellbeing and bring people together. 

The increasing worldwide focus on restoring natureand the need not just to restore biodiversity, but also our relationship with nature – has significantly raised the profile of green and blue infrastructure design. And not a moment too soon! 

Our green infrastructure team, headed up by Lucy, works with an interdisciplinary approach to incorporate ecology, arboriculture and landscape services from the very outset of a project. Her strategy goes beyond improving ecological and aesthetic aspects; it tackles wider issues like climate adaptation, resilience and reducing urban heat. Through early technical modelling and collaborating across disciplines, we work to maximise the benefits of nature in urban areas, making public spaces more accessible and enjoyable for all.  

This ensures that habitats and environmental functions, such as nature-based solutions, are woven seamlessly into project proposals. We go beyond only mitigating impacts to enhancing and connecting habitats We’re able to optimise natural processes and their functionality within a development 

That’s where green and blue infrastructure projects – our habitats, parks, rivers and wetlands – build in multiple benefits.  

For example, alongside recreational, respite and food-growing spaces, a public park can integrate attenuation spaces to collect rainwater. These act like a sponge and sustainably irrigate planted areas and also avoid unmanageable stormwater discharge into rivers. 

Creative solutions for Sustainable Development  

Not surprisingly, nature and climate are integrally linked to each other. So, nature-based solutions play a key role in sustainable development, as they adapt to climate changes to create resilient, thriving places.  

Sustainability Misunderstood

There are, however, some common sustainability misconceptions. There is sometimes a belief that things like planting trees, creating places for people to enjoy outdoors, greener routes to walk and cycle are expensive to implement and maintain. Another is that there simply isn’t enough space, so that planting has to be squeezed in around the edges of a development where it doesn’t grow well, benefit biodiversity or positively influence people’s experience of nature.  

Although we’re always realistic and sensitive to the restrictions of time, space and money – it doesn’t mean that green and blue infrastructure needs to be difficult or expensive.  

Considered Solutions

Our methodology in designing green and blue infrastructure adopts an evidence-based approach. It means that we can ensure projects integrate environmental features in the right places, where they can deliver positive impacts and efficiencies. We can build in multi-layer benefits by overlaying data on biodiversity, health, access to green spaces and tree canopy cover. We can include projected sensitivities to climate change, including surface water flooding, heat, air and water quality. We can do all this at the planning stage of a development, delivering the most effective, sustainable and workable solutions for each specific site.  

About the People

Ultimately, the key to sustainability is in understanding how people use and relate to places. With this knowledge combined with the data from our ecologists, arboriculturists and landscape architects, we can shape proposals through community co-design, working with people who live, work and know that place best of all.   

Thanks to her experience in projects shaped by community co-design, Lucy works with our teams to expand our services, engaging more of the people who matter on a development. Through our work in green and blue infrastructure and our collaboration with stakeholders, we’re able to find newer, better opportunities to build in benefits not only for nature and wildlife, but for people too.   

Chat to Lucy

We’re really pleased to have Lucy in our Tribe. She brings an exciting and harmonious way of working to Tyler Grange – which we want to share with you! Her vision for integrating natural elements and green spaces into everyday environments challenges conventional development approaches and aligns with climate and nature strategies at local and regional levels.   By bringing this to the forefront, Lucy not only enriches our team’s capabilities, but also helps us develop innovative design solutions which respond to the site-specific opportunities of each project! 

If you want to find out more about how our holistic approach to green and blue infrastructure could bring several layers of benefits to your project, give us a shout on 

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